Movie Details:
Title: Beastly ( 2011 )
Original Title: Beastly
Release Date: 03/04/2011 (wide)
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance and Adaptation
Director: Daniel Barnz
Produced by: Susan Cartsonis, Roz Weisberg, Michael Flynn
Alex Pettyfer, Vanessa Hudgens, Neil Patrick Harris, Dakota Johnson, Erik nudsen, Mary-Kate Olsen, Peter Krause, Karl Graboshas, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Jonathan Dubsky.
Tag line: A retelling of "Beauty and the Beast" set in modern-day New York City.
A teenager in New York is transformed into a hideous monster. Only true love can release him from his dreadful condition.
IMDB ratings:
Nations: USA
Beastly ( 2011 ) Trailer:
In this movie, the characters and settings are described very well. The setting of a high school works in advantage towards the moral of the story, due to the fact that the majority of people who judge others based on looks are teenagers and young adults. Overall, I found this movie to be inspiring and poignant and I would recommend it to anyone of all ages, especially teenagers.